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of our Lords One thousand Eight hundred and thirty two, personally
appeared in open court before the Judges of the Inferior Court
of Common Pleas now Sitting at Bridgewater in and for said County
Hendrick P. Vroom a resident in the Township of Bedminster in
said County of Somerset ~ aged seventy five years, who being first
duly sworn according to law doth on his oath Make the following
declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress
passed the 7th of June, 1832 ~ That he was born at North Branch
on the 8th of February. That he entered in to the service at New
Brunswick (thinks in 1776 under Capt. Abraham Ten Eyck Marched
to Elizabeth Town, but cannot say how long he remained there,
but thinks at least a month. Staid until dismissed and returned
home with the other troops. ~ After this he was called out under
Cap't Derick Meddah or Meddick, went to Elizabeth Staid there
until his time was out and returned with the Soldiers ~ Soon after
again went out- out under Cap't Cornelius Tunison/ marched again
as he thinks to Elizabeth Town cant say how long ^but thinks a
month.- After this he went out under Capt. Logan of Somerset was
March to Comungpaugh in the County of Bergen ^one month ~ Again
Entered the Service under Capt. Conrad Ten Eyck of Said county
at Millstone, Marched to Elizabeth and from there to Communypaugh
[sic] was there a long time, cant [sic] say how
long ~ There when the British took New York. Colo. Frelinghuysen,
Col. Quick and Colo. Ten Eyck, Sometimes had the command ~ was
out under Colo. Meddah ~ Sometimes acted as orderly sergeant.
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and have moved from there to this place ~ & have been quite
infirm for many years. His memory fails him and he Cannot Say
how long he was out ~ off and on during the war, never declined
going when called upon and was able. Deponent recollects that
he served at Millstone ~ Middlebrook as much as a month. He has
no documentary evidence of his said service ~ he was born in the
County of Somerset in 1757. Where he has ever since resided. He
hereby extinguishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity
except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension
Roll of the agency of any State.
Sworn and subscribed the day and year aforesaid.
[signed] Wm. Gaston
Somerset County Ss. Samuel Sutphin
being duly sworn on his oath saith that he is in his eighty fifth
year. That he was well acquainted with the above named Hendrick
P. Vroom + served with him as a soldier in the Army of the Revolution
~ Knows that Said Vroom served as a soldier in said army as much
as two months. Was with him at Commingpau ~Bergen + at different
places on vrs [sic] times ~
Sworn and subscribed this day + year aforesaid
[signed] Wm. Gaston
[end page]
Somerset County Ss. Andrew A. Ten Eyck being duly sworn on
his oath saith that he knows sd. Vroom in the time of the Revolutionary
War ~ Remembers that said Vroom prepared and went out as a soldier
in said service as was reported in his neighborhood Where he then
resided. ~ Deponent further says that it has always been considered
that sd. Vroom was a soldier as a Revolution~[sic]
Deponent Knew of his being out in camp in said service.
Sworn in open court [signed] Andrew Ten Eyck
[signed] Wm. Gaston
Somerset County Ss. John Steel being duly sworn on his oath
saith that he knew the above named Hendrick P. Vroom in the time
of the Revolution + that it was understood in the neighborhood
that sd. Vroom was out in the service. They lived in the same
County during the war, but in different neighborhoods.
Sworn and subscribed the day + year aforesaid.
[signed] John Steel
[signed] Wm. Gaston
I hereby certify that I am acquainted with both the above named
Andrew A. Ten Eyck + John Steel, that they are dependable men
and entitled to credit.
[signed] Isaac Southard, member [sic-member of
[end page and record]
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